
The Bjoern platform consists of a server component, and a collection of client utilities which can be used to query and update the database contents. All heavy computation is performed in threads on the server side, which are spawned in response to client requests issued via a HTTP REST API. These threads can directly access the database using a lightweight binary protocol (“plocal”), a protocol that introduces only low overhead when compared to standard HTTP-based access protocols.

Access to the database is synchronized to allow multiple users and long-running analysis tasks to be executed in parallel. For multiple user access, bjoern implements a groovy shell server. This makes it possible for users to execute commands on the server side, disconnect, and come back later to view results, similar in style to the way GNU screen sessions are used on shared servers.

At heart, the Bjoern is an OrientDB server instance, extended with plugins that are loaded at startup. These plugins expose the platforms functionality via a REST API, which makes it possible to invoke server functionality via HTTP requests. Bjoern-server extends the language-agnostic server component Octopus with plugins for binary analysis and provides a language for binary code analysis. In the following, we describe the main components Bjoern is composed of.


Octopus is a server component that provides shell access to an OrientDB graph database. It allows arbitrary property graphs to be imported from CSV files that describe nodes and edges. This is achieved using the OrientDBImporter, a generic library for batch importing large property graphs into OrientDB.

In summary, octopus offers the following two primary features.

  • Import of CSV files. The CSV importer enables the user to perform batch imports of graphs given in CSV files. It is a generic component implemented to allow fast import of any property graph into an OrientDB graph database. The importer runs in a thread on the server-side to access the database without the overhead introduced by OrientDB’s access protocols. Several databases can be created in parallel using the importer plugin.
  • Shell Access. Octopus offers a server-side shell that provides database access via the general purpose scripting language Groovy and the traversal language Gremlin. Like importers, shells run as threads inside the server, giving them access to the database with low overhead. Multiple users can spawn shells on the server side to work on the database in parallel.
  • Execution of plugins. Octopus offers a plugin interface that can be used to extend functionality at runtime. In particular, this allows language-dependent analysis algorithms to be executed on the graph database contents.


Bjoern-Radare generates graph-based program representations from binaries and outputs them in a CSV format. The resulting files can be imported into the octopus server. Under the hood, bjoern-radare uses radare2 to perform an initial automatic analysis of a binary and extract symbol information, control flow graphs, and call graphs. Moreover, it translates machine code into radare’s intermediate language ESIL to allow platform independent analysis of code.


Bjoern-plugins are a set of plugins that turn Octopus into a platform for binary code analysis. On the one hand, these plugins allow structures such as control flow graphs of functions to be exported, on the other, they perform active computations on the database contents to generate new nodes and edges.

Bjoern-lang and Octopus-lang

Bjoern-lang and Octopus-lang provide a domain specific language for binary code analysis and generic traversal of property graphs respectively. These languages are realized as so called steps for the graph-traversal language Gremlin.


Bjoern-shell provides user-friendly access to the database via a command line shell. It features a working environment with convenient features like code completion, reverse search, and in-shell documentation. It also features an awesome banner. Multiple bjoern-shells can be used in parallel. Moreover, it is possible to detach from a bjoern-shell and re-attach to it later on.